I have seen the wickedness of this world’s leaders.
All conspire together and keep quiet of the reason for this disease, before the people.
Yet, they know that I ELEADA, have sent out upon the nations this disease COVID-19 because
of the UK Government’s false occupation in my Kingdom.
They watch the gullible die in their hundreds with no remorse while they promise a cure in some time to come.
They refuse to acknowledge ELEADA as the only “cure” since ELEADA is he that sent out the disease.
While the people perish their governments offer them money, but can the dead spend money?
I shall make a clean removal of this evil out of my Kingdom England,
and shall not stop until the last one is removed.
This is the Word of ELEADA
His Presence Supreme.
The Power of the Darkness Before Creation and Beyond,
The Energy and Power with Force.
REMINDER – Sunday 30 OCTOBER 2022
(Tweets sent out Tuesday 31 March 2020 @The Esels)
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