Racism – white baboons
The Children of the Slaves (the Uncorrupted seed)
Let the mockers mock, for they mock them-selves
There are white baboons (red-faced)- and black baboons. Monkeys carry straight hair, whether it be black or white, it is straight.
Children of the Slaves carry curly hair by natural!
The black monkey/baboon represents those of the nations who were black before and then became baboons, as with vitiligo and the Albinos.
Monkeys were not created with tightly curled hair.
Monkey gestures by the "Confounded" refers back to the fool with his gestures. Tweets @theEsels, 19 May 2019
Racism cannot be fixed by man
This is caused by ‘Mixed seed’, and the corruption of the Royal Lineage – the Seed Royal, bringing confusion in the Earth.
In Creation; one Father who is the first man created – his Firstborn Son begins the First Lineage; this is the Line of Rulership blessed by God the Father and presented before the Creator as such.
His second son begins the Second Lineage - this Line serves his bigger brother the Firstborn, they work together in unity.
By the Law of the Father –these Lineages must not mix in marriages, for this corrupts the Lineage of Rulership.
The Father’s Law has been broken and this is the reason he cursed the disobedient ones, putting Death upon those who disobeyed and those who followed their ways.
After the Curse, the second born in their disobedience scattered and became the nations as they are in this time;
Before this, Man never saw death, they “Rested in Peace” at the end of their days.
Mankind has fallen, for death has now taken hold of all.
The hatred of the Firstborn stems from jealousy because of the rulership status; not because of your skin colour, for in creation all mankind were black in skin colour.
The Firstborn, the Seed Royal were slain, wickedly treated, all their heritage stolen from them, flung into Slavery among slaves and labelled as common slaves by Jacob and his allies; which was a convenient way to hide their identity which was stolen from them along with their status.
ELEADA is the last firstborn son of the Lineage.
In this time; His Time, He is the Deliverer for his people and shall give them freedom of the stigma of Slavery and return to them their rightful status and all that this entails.
ELEADA carries the Law of God the Father with the “Covenant of Promise” to his children, and is the Image in whom the Creator dwells.
He is the Son of God the Father.
He bears Witness of the Father and the Creator, full of Energy, and Power with Force.
Only ELEADA can separate the Lineages and set things in order.
See link: https://www.energyandpowerwithforce.com/follow-the-son-eleada-your-deliverer-2
This is the Word of ESTA in ELEADA,
His Presence Supreme
The Power of the Darkness before Creation and Beyond,
The Energy and Power with Force.
Tweets@theEsels Friday 26 January 2024
Friday 26 January 2024
New paragraph